The Beginning of My Christian Life

I received Jesus as my Savior the summer before my senior year in high school. I struggled through this first year as a Christian. I was not clear about what it meant to be a Christian. I did not know where to meet, and I lacked fellowship.

After I graduated from high school I moved to Eugene, Oregon. Soon after, I began meeting with the local church there. That was when my Christian life really began to grow. I received much help from attending prayer meetings, Friday night college meetings, Lord’s Day meetings, conferences, and college retreats. Each gathering I was able to attend caused me to love the Lord Jesus more. I felt so blessed to be with others who were giving their lives for the Lord’s interests on earth.

As I matured in my Christian life I began to read the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. Many of the books I read helped me to grow in my Christian life. The ministry has helped me to experience and apply the truths in the Bible, live Christ, and build up the Body of Christ (Philippians 1:21; Ephesians 4:12).

It has been almost eighteen years since my first meeting in the local church. These eighteen years have been the best in my life. I have progressed in my life both spiritually and humanly. Spiritually, I have learned how to be a normal Christian by experiencing Christ in my spirit. Humanly, I have successfully finished college and have maintained a healthy, sanctified lifestyle with my husband and children. I owe my Christian life not only to the Lord Jesus Himself, but also to His care through the members of His Body.


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